In 2020, two women in our team were diagnosed with breast cancer. That’s how we faced a reality that we knew nothing about.

Lely had a biopsy of a lump she had in her right breast and the result was unexpected: carcinoma in situ—a type of breast cancer. This prompted Daiana to get a mammogram that she had been postponing and, after three biopsies, she got the same result—breast cancer.

Both Day and Lely had the same diagnosis at the same time. It wasn’t easy, neither for them, their families, their loved ones nor for our team. They both overcame it, and the learnings and that fear remained, carved in their souls.

This is why we are carrying out this campaign, because we experienced it, we suffered it, and it’s still part of our daily life. And we don’t want anyone to go through the same situation, but if they must, we want it to be ‘lighter’ due to its early detection, we want everyone to know that it can be overcome, and what is the process like—bearing in mind that every case is a world of its own.

Share this information with your female friends and take care of them.


♥ Self-examine.

♥ Get a mammogram

♥ Go see your gynecologist

Get a check-up! Stay safe!

Don’t you know how?

Dr. Laura Ruiz Díaz, a well-known professional who specializes in mastology, explains the best way to do breast self-examination, what we need to look at, touch, and bear  in mind in order to know if we must get an appointment as soon as possible.

It’s easy and it only takes five minutes.


1- Mammograms are painful.

2- If I don’t have a family history of breast cancer, I don’t need a mammogram.

3- A normal mammogram means that I can skip next year’s mammogram.

4- I’m too young to get a breast check-up.

5- I can’t get a mammogram because I’ve got dense breast tissue or breast implants.

Aiming to raise awareness on Breast Cancer Prevention, we took action to achieve positive results: to encourage as many women as possible to self-examine their breasts, in addition to the annual medical check-ups. 

While analyzing why so many people don’t do it, we detected that this is caused by indifference, ignorance, a feeling of immunity against some diseases, but mainly by fear. Fear of self-examining and finding ‘something’, fear of something bad happening.

This is why we created this campaign to encourage people not to be afraid of self-examining. And we use oranges—the Agency’s icon—to tackle that. So we asked ourselves, where can we find oranges? Could we use them to encourage self-examination?

Produce shops—that spot where a diversity of colors, shapes and textures come together, just what we were looking for.

During Pink October, you get to squeeze and stay safe, just as you do with the fruits you are about to buy.


We Think Orange. Create Orange

Thanks to:

All those people who joined our campaign, whether they were aware or not of our story, and did their part to help in raising awareness about the importance of getting a check-up.

Dr. Laura Ruiz Díaz, for the information and the medical advice.

Yamil Cubas, for taking the time to record and edit the videos.

Adrián Báez, for the website support.

The produce markets for wanting to be part of this and having the courage to put up the signs:

Zara, on Salta St. and Félix de Azara.

-La Chala, on Centenario St. between Santa Catalina and Lavalle.

-Frutimanía, on Santa Catalina St. and 20 de Junio.

La Huerta de Leo, on Bolívar St. and 3 de Febrero.

Frutas Express, at 2616 Tambor de Tacuarí Ave.

Careca, on Alvear St. between Colón and Féliz de Azara.

-Cholita. 3589 Jauretche Ave.

-Doña Elsa, on Anchico St. and Santa Helena.

-Frutaza. 2218 Cabrera Ave.

Roberto Pozzi, for the space and the illumination for the recordings.

All our team at Pozzi Brand Agency for understanding how important this campaign is for us, and for having given their all for it to work out well: Thank you Iara, Flor, Leo, Flopa, and Pato!

To our families, who always walk with us, with love, support, hugs, and kind and soothing words.